St Andrew's C of E Primary School

Curriculum Intent

In Key Stages 1 and 2 we follow the National Curriculum as a basis for our school curriculum. Through our knowledge engaged curriculum there is a strong emphasis on cross-curricular teaching. We provide our children with a wealth of opportunities to acquire additional skills and to further develop their knowledge and understanding through a range of first hand experiences.

We have specialist music teachers who visit school each week. In Key Stage Two children have the opportunity to learn brass and stringed instruments. All of our Year 4 children learn to play the violin. We are proud of our well-established school choir which has performed at venues such as Manchester Cathedral. 

We have specialist PE sports coaches who deliver PE lessons to pupils across both Key Stages 1 and 2. All of our children have the opportunity to take part in a range of sporting activities and where appropriate compete with schools in the local community and across the city.

We provide a range of extra-curricular activities to support our curriculum and to enable our children to pursue a particular interest or talent that they may have.

In Upper Key Stage 2 some of our children have the opportunity to take on a leadership role in the form of being elected by their peers to be a House Captain or by being a member of the Ethos Council. 

Our curriculum is underpinned by our caring and inclusive ethos and our Christian values of hope, forgiveness, endurance, thankfulness, friendship and trust, which are at the heart of all that we do.


Curriculum Aims

At St. Andrew's we aim to establish a strong partnership between school, pupils and parents. This section includes information about the curriculum we teach at St. Andrew's.

At St. Andrew's the staff and governors work together to ensure that all of our pupils:

  • Celebrate each other's differences, care, love, respect and show kindness to people around them.
  • Understand that they are unique, special and that God loves us all.
  • Understand the importance of friendship and the need to get along with others.
  • Believe in themselves, have confidence in their own abilities and always strive to do their very best in all that they do.
  • Have rich learning opportunities and experiences in a wide range of subject areas. Through outdoor learning, making extensive use of our outdoor areas at school, being on the edge of Highfield Country Park, practical activities, visits and trips to places of interest, including the local area and our links with the local community.
  • Feel a sense of belonging as part of the St. Andrew's School community and are proud of our school.
  • Develop a sense of responsibility in caring for God's World and encourage others to do the same.
  • Develop resilience through understanding the importance of learning from our mistakes.
  • Experience what it feels like to succeed through high teacher expectations and for all of our pupils to have achieved their very best during their time at St. Andrew's.
  • To develop a sense of curiosity through asking questions and a love of learning and become life-long learners.
  • Gain a greater understanding of the wider world and to develop into caring and responsible young citizens, working for a fairer and more just society.

 Please use the 'Curriculum' menu tabs for more detailed information about individual subjects.