St Andrew's C of E Primary School

Results at Key Stage 2

Under the assessment criteria, a score of 100 or more indicates that a child has met the expected standard for a Year 6 child. A score of 110 or greater indicates that a child is working at a high standard. We are pleased with our 2019 results and proud of our teachers and children who work so hard. We also value greatly the continued support that we receive from parents and carers.

 *Please note that these results are from the 2018-19 academic year.





Expected Standard or above 85% Expected Standard or above 79% Expected Standard or above 91% Expected Standard or above 87%
Average Progress 3.1 Average Progress -1.4 Average Progress N/A Average Progress 2.2
Average Scaled Score 108 Average Scaled Score N/A Average Scaled Score 110 Average Scaled Score 108
Achieving a high level of Attainment 45% Achieving a high level of Attainment 19% Achieving a high level of Attainment 53% Achieving a high level of Attainment 34%
KS2 percentage of children reaching the Expected Standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined = 72% KS2 percentage of children reaching the High Standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined   = 15%

For more information, please click the link below to go to the DfE school performance tables website.