SchoolCloud Parent Meetings
Parent Meetings in the Autumn and Spring Terms will take place via SchoolCloud, an online system which will allow you to book appointments and ‘meet’ with your child's class teacher. You will be able to choose your own appointment time online. The appointments will be conducted via a video link which will require the use of a smart phone or another webcam and microphone enabled device, such as a laptop or tablet.
You will receive information about when the appointments will take place. Once booking is open, please click on the following link to log in and book an appointment:
Below is a video from SchoolCloud as well as a Parents' Guide showing the process, from booking appointments to taking part in video calls with teachers.
SchoolCloud Parents Evening - Parent Login from SchoolCloud on Vimeo.
Protocol for Parents
We feel it is important to establish some ground rules so that all participants are following the same protocol which should ensure everyone’s well-being.
- The meeting will focus on teachers sharing information about the progress that your child has made so far this school year.
- Conversations should take place in a quiet space in appropriate rooms e.g. kitchen, lounge, study and not in a bedroom.
- All participants should be appropriately dressed, as they would be for a real-life face to face meeting.
- No conversations should be recorded.
- Teachers will be in school for the meetings, using a school device.
- One appointment should be booked for each child. The system does enable two parents from different households to attend simultaneously, please contact the School Office if you need any help with this.
- As in real life, your child is welcome to attend the meeting.
- Please try to be on time as the slot times are not flexible at all and will start/finish exactly on time.
- We aim to maintain very positive, respectful and constructive relationships between staff and parents. Please note that in the extremely unlikely event of verbal abuse, staff will end the conversation and refer the matter to the Senior Leadership Team.
Tips for troubleshooting
- School devices will be checked before the meeting, so we hope all is well at our end.
- Please read the guide carefully beforehand to ensure you are using a suitable browser.
- Try logging on up to an hour before - if you can’t see “Join Video Appointments” check as below.
- The same parent who made the appointments MUST be the one to log in as the appointments are linked to his/her details only and NOT to the other parent.
- Check that the names match exactly what we have on the system.
- Make sure your camera and microphone and volume are fully enabled in your settings and that you have allowed the system to access them.
- If one party loses connection please just wait whilst they log in again - you should be able to resume.
- If there is a sound /display issue try clicking the microphone/camera icon off and on again.
- If there is still an issue try logging off and logging on again or try another device.
We cannot do any more on the day so please be forgiving in case of a technical hitch. If a technical problem means that a meeting is unable to take place, we will contact you within a few days.