St Andrew's C of E Primary School

SchoolCloud Parent Meetings

Parent Meetings in the Autumn and Spring Terms will take place in person.  You can book an appointment with your child's class teacher via SchoolCloud,. You will be able to choose your own appointment time. The appointments will be conducted in person.
You will receive information about when the appointments will take place. Once booking is open, please click on the following link to log in and book an appointment:


Below is a video from SchoolCloud as well as a Parents' Guide showing the process for booking appointments.

SchoolCloud Parents Evening - Parent Login from SchoolCloud on Vimeo.

 Protocol for Parents

We feel it is important to establish some ground rules so that all participants are following the same protocol which should ensure everyone’s well-being.

  • The meeting will focus on teachers sharing information about the progress that your child has made so far this school year
  • One appointment should be booked for each child. The system does enable two parents from different households to attend at the same time, please contact the School Office if you need any help with this.
  • Please try to be on time as the slot times are not flexible.
  • We aim to maintain very positive, respectful and constructive relationships between staff and parents.